Training Opportunities with SATF

Through our Sexual Assault Training Institute, Oregon SATF has trained thousands of practitioners since 1999.

Scroll to learn about our current training offerings and registration.

Coming soon: 40-hour SA-specific Advocate Certification Training

Registration Fee: $325 (limited scholarships available)

When: September 16-20, 2024

Where: Salem, OR

Join Oregon SATF for the return of our statewide, sexual assault-specific privileged advocate certification training! Designed to meet Oregon’s Advocate Privilege training standards, this training will prepare advocates and their collaborators to best support the needs of survivors and victims seeking support after experiences with sexual violence, navigate systems, and offer direct advocacy services.

Coming soon: Sexual Assault Prosecutor Academy: Best Practices & Tips for the Successful Prosecution of Sexual Assault Cases

When: October 2-4, 2024

Where: Eugene, Oregon

Oregon SATF is eager to bring Sexual Assault Prosecutor Academy to Eugene, Oregon in October! Join instructors Katie Greene and Jayme Kimberly from the Department of Justice as they take you through what it takes to successfully prosecute a Sexual Assault case. In this experiential 2.5 day training, participants will hear from expert partners in the field, including experienced prosecutors and victim advocates, about their roles in improving outcomes for victims of sexual assault in criminal cases, best practices for implementing trauma-informed skills in working with victims of assault, and how to coordinate with other systems partners during cases

Coming soon: 40-Hour Hybrid SANE Training (Adults + Adolescents)

Registration Fee: $325

When: Fall 2024 (dates tbd)

Where: Southern Oregon

Oregon SATF provides training for nurses and providers seeking to gain certification as a Sexual Assault Nurse Examiner or Sexual Assault Examiner in Oregon.

Oregon SANE Connect

Registration is available in our online shop!

Oregon SANE Connect is a free course that focuses on Oregon-specific aspects of sexual assault medical-forensic care, including our chart, kit, laws, etc. It is intended to be taken as a follow-up to an online 40-hour adult/adolescent SANE training in order to ease transition into clinical practice in Oregon, and will also be useful for SANEs moving to Oregon from out-of-state.

What participants are saying

“This is a wonderful curriculum. I wish something like this had been available 20 years ago when I first worked as an advocate.”

— Campus advocate 40-hour course participant

“Thank you so much for putting all of the work in to make such a comprehensive training program!!!”

— Advocate training participant

“This training gave me a tremendous amount of knowledge and skills to utilize in our job .”

— Comprehensive Prevention Training participant

“This was an expertly taught class! I appreciated that I could go at my own pace for the online modules.”

-40-Hour Hybrid SANE/SAE Training participant

“I have learned so much and feel I can better understand and implement these practices.

— Comprehensive Prevention Evaluation Training participant

“I can't express my appreciation and complement you all on the organization and presentation of this course.”

-40-Hour Hybrid SANE/SAE Training participant

Have questions? Reach out to our team at