Training Opportunities with SATF
Through our Sexual Assault Training Institute, Oregon SATF has trained thousands of practitioners since 1999.
Scroll to learn about our current training offerings and registration.
Law Enforcement Webinar Series
When: March 20th at 12 PM PST, March 27th at 12 PM PST, April 3rd at 12 PM PST
Where: Zoom
Investment: Free!
Oregon SATF is excited to partner with K Training and Consulting to provide a webinar series targeted towards Law Enforcement (open to any discipline). For more information, click the button below!
40-hour Adult/Adolescent Basic SANE/SAE Training
When: April 22-24, 2025
Where: Asante Medical Center: Medford, Oregon
Investment: $400
Oregon SATF provides training for nurses and providers seeking to gain certification as a Sexual Assault Nurse Examiner or Sexual Assault Examiner in Oregon. This is a HYBRID training, meaning that you will need to complete an online portion (twelve online modules) as well as an in-person class.
Mock Exam + 40 Hour Didactic Course
When: April 25, 2025
Where: Asante Medical Center: Medford, Oregon
Investment: $75
Engage in a Mock Exam opportunity with SATF Staff that you use towards SANE Certification.
Available for those taking the 40 hour didactic case at a discounted rate. Follow this link to purchase the mock exam registration if you are also taking the 40 hour didactic course.
Mock Exam + No Didactic Course
When: April 25, 2025
Where: Asante Medical Center: Medford, Oregon
Investment: $100
Engage in a Mock Exam opportunity with SATF Staff that you use towards SANE Certification.
Available for those taking the 40 hour didactic case at a discounted rate. Follow this link to purchase the mock exam registration with no didactic course.
Statewide Comprehensive Violence and Abuse Prevention Training
When: June 24-27, 2025
Where: Newport, Oregon
Investment: Sliding Scale
Participants in this 4-day, in-person training will leave better prepared to: Implement/bolster comprehensive, effective prevention efforts in their communities, institutions, and schools, and; create professional partnerships with other preventionists across Oregon. Additionally, all participants will receive a copy of SATF’s nationally-recognized Comprehensive Prevention Toolkit, and additional resources relevant for practitioners collaborating on violence prevention efforts across the state.
Oregon SANE Connect
Oregon SANE Connect is a free course that focuses on Oregon-specific aspects of sexual assault medical-forensic care, including our chart, kit, laws, etc. It is intended to be taken as a follow-up to an online 40-hour adult/adolescent SANE training in order to ease transition into clinical practice in Oregon, and will also be useful for SANEs moving to Oregon from out-of-state.
Campus Advocate Online 40-hour Course
Individual License: $75
Institutional License (15 participant licenses): $450
SATF’s online, 40-hour advocate training is the only campus-based, Oregon-specific online training available for advocates serving students on college and university campuses in Oregon.
This training aligns with the Oregon state standards for advocate privilege, and combines best practice with higher education mandates such as Title IX and Clery.
What participants are saying
“This is a wonderful curriculum. I wish something like this had been available 20 years ago when I first worked as an advocate.”
— Campus advocate 40-hour course participant
“Thank you so much for putting all of the work in to make such a comprehensive training program!!!”
— Advocate training participant
“This training gave me a tremendous amount of knowledge and skills to utilize in our job .”
— Comprehensive Prevention Training participant
“This was an expertly taught class! I appreciated that I could go at my own pace for the online modules.”
-40-Hour Hybrid SANE/SAE Training participant
“I have learned so much and feel I can better understand and implement these practices.
— Comprehensive Prevention Evaluation Training participant
“I can't express my appreciation and complement you all on the organization and presentation of this course.”