Online Learning with SATF
Quality education, available when and where you need it.
Current offerings from SATF
Campus Advocate 40-Hour Certification Course
SATF’s 40-hour campus advocate training is the only campus-based, Oregon-specific online training available for advocates serving students on college and university campuses in Oregon.
This training aligns with the Oregon state standards for advocate privilege, and combines best practice with higher education mandates such as Title IX and Clery.
Click here to learn more and purchase your license today.
SANE Connect Course
Oregon SANE Connect is a free course for SANE/SAEs that focuses on Oregon-specific aspects of sexual assault medical-forensic care, including our chart, kit, laws, etc.
Please note: This course is NOT a replacement for a 40-hour didactic SANE course. Click here to learn more and purchase your license today.
Click here to learn more and register today
Addressing the Root Causes of Violence + Abuse
SATF’s FREE online Addressing the Root Causes of Violence and Abuse course offers an introduction to anti-oppression and includes tangible skill-building and strategies to address oppression as a root cause of violence and abuse personally, interpersonally, institutionally, and structurally.