The Sexual Assault Training Institute
The Sexual Assault Training Institute (SATI) provides regular, high-quality and professional discipline-specific and multidisciplinary trainings to victim advocates, law enforcement officials, sexual assault nurse examiners (SANEs), prosecutors, and sexual assault response teams, among others, which are intended to increase knowledge, skills and victim sensitivity.

Currently Recruiting for Law Enforcement and Prosecutor Instructors!
Feel free to reach out to with any questions!
Content focus areas under SATF’s Sexual Assault Training Institute
Advocate training
SA Specific Confidential Advocate Training Registration coming soon!
Advocate Training is a 40-hour comprehensive basic sexual assault training for those seeking advocate certification or those providing other support services to sexual assault survivors.
The training covers the foundational topics of sexual assault advocacy in supporting adult and adolescent survivors. Advocates learn how to provide victim-centered, trauma informed responses to survivors and the skills to safely advocate for survivors in their community and the justice system.
Each training includes additional topics tailored to cover current and emerging challenges affecting survivors and advocacy programs in Oregon.
This training meets the requirements for those seeking certification to be confidential and privileged advocates under HB 3476.
The main topics covered in this training include:
dynamics of sexual assault, domestic violence, and stalking
anti-oppression, anti-racism and cultural reflexivity
effects of trauma on survivors and family members
child and adolescent survivors
adults molested as children
perpetrator/abuser dynamics
advocacy skills and crisis response
confidentiality and privilege
working with system-based partners and other service providers
vicarious trauma and self-care
victim’s rights and privacy
campus response
SANE exams
Each training includes additional topics tailored to cover current and emerging challenges affecting survivors and advocacy programs in Oregon.
This training meets the requirements for those seeking certification to be confidential and privileged advocates under HB 3476.
Law Enforcement + Prosecutor training
To request a training for your agency, please email
Our training aims to increase the capacity of Law Enforcement and Prosecutors to effectively respond to, investigate and prosecute sexual assault crimes by providing sexual assault specific training.
This training equips participants to implement new and emerging techniques and best practices in sexual assault investigation and prosecution.
Trainings are discipline specific, and customized to the intended audience.
Sample topics include:
Neurobiology of trauma,
sexual assault dynamics,
techniques for investigation and prosecution,
report writing,
serial sex offenders.
Sexual Assault Nurse Examiner (SANE)/ Sexual Assault Examiner (SAE) training
Please check out our Training Page for the most up-to-date information regarding SANE Training!
SATF supports sexual assault nurse examiners (SANEs) and sexual assault examiners (SAEs) across Oregon by providing 40-hour adult/adolescent basic SANE/SAE training and advanced training such as:
mock exams,
expert witness training,
other in-person trainings,
and webinars on a variety of topics.
If you have a suggestion for a particular topic that is not listed here, please e-mail and we will make note of your interest.
Sexual Assault Response Team (SART) training and technical assistance
2025 SART Conference Registration opens soon! Sign up for our newsletter to be the first to know when registration opens!
To inquire about scheduling a training for your agency or team, please contact our team at
Oregon SATF provides technical assistance, support and training for developing SARTs or emerging SART efforts across the state.
Areas of support may include:
protocol development,
goal setting,
establishing benchmarks,
tracking trends,
effective meetings,
creating a community presence,
sample materials,
peer-to-peer support from other SARTs, and more.
The Sexual Assault Training Institute provides SART Development & Sustainability Workshops to communities who want to develop an effective SART response or reinvigorate their current SART efforts.
To schedule a training for your community, please contact our team at
This training is designed for members of the multidisciplinary response to sexual assault. The training is a presentation of a sexual assault case scenario from first disclosure to trial preparation with presentations from advocacy, law enforcement, prosecution and SANE. Participants engage in team problem solving activities dispersed throughout the program.
Contact our team at for more information or to schedule a training in your community.