Campus Advocate 40-hour Online Training
SATF’s online, 40-hour advocate training is the only campus-based, Oregon-specific online training available for advocates serving students on college and university campuses in Oregon.
This training aligns with the Oregon state standards for advocate privilege, and combines best practice with higher education mandates such as Title IX and Clery.
Scroll to register and learn more.
What’s Included
Flexible learning schedule.
Once you start your training, you have 90 calendar days to complete the included curriculum based on your schedule and availability.
Training certificate.
Each participant that successfully completes the course earns a certification of completion via PDF, making it easy to maintain your training records.
Oregon-specific content.
Oregon is a leader in legislation to support student survivors. Our curriculum will help you understand student rights and options under Oregon law, in addition to federal laws like TItle IX and Clery.
Technical assistance.
Have a question about the online course content and how it relates to your work? Our training team is available throughout your course to answer questions and provide support.
Our curriculum blends the knowledge and skills necessary to provide advocacy with the college context so that you can support students meaningfully.
Meets annual training standards.
In addition to meeting Oregon’s state standards for 40-hour advocacy training, our curriculum meets current state and federal training requirements for practitioners working within sexual harassment investigations as advocates.
Membership options
Ready to start your online learning? Let’s get started!
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Institutional License
Created for colleges and universities to better expand capacity for advocacy services on their campus, these licenses provide training for 15 individuals.
Individual License
Individuals working on college and university campuses as advocates may register for a one-time, annual license to receive certification as a campus-based advocate.
Custom Licenses
Contact for custom pricing
If your campus is interested in training more than 15 participants, or if you have questions about course content and customization options, please reach out to our team at:
More about the course: Competency areas
Our training curriculum meets Oregon training standards for advocate privilege. To learn more, please visit this link.
Our course has 14 modules, including:
Welcome / How to Use the course
Module 1: Foundations of Advocacy
Module 2: Sustainable Advocacy
Module 3: Understanding Trauma
Module 4: Dynamics of Perpetration
Module 5: Dynamics of Sexual Violence
Module 6: Dynamics of Interpersonal Violence and Stalking
Module 7: Privacy, Confidentiality and Privilege
Module 8: Advocacy Skills and Working with Vulnerable Populations
Module 9: The Effect of Violence on Children
Module 10: Safety Planning & Protective Orders
Module 11: Introduction to Medical Advocacy
Module 12: Reporting Options On and Off Campus (includes Title IX Information)
Complete Your Course / Certification
What participants are saying