Oregon SATF Statewide Comprehensive Prevention Training Resources
GENERAL Training Materials (For all Sessions)
SATF’s Comprehensive Prevention Toolkit - This toolkit has been designed to be both a resource and a guide for anyone in the state of Oregon who is interested in preventing violence or abuse. Additionally the toolkit follows the organization of the comprehensive prevention training and references to training content included in the toolkit are included throughout all training sessions. You can download a PDF version of the toolkit HERE. Universal
Sessions Specific Resources
Foundations of Prevention
SATF and PCAO’s Prevention Land Video Series - A collaborative series of short videos (17 and growing) focused on the expansive and creative ways people in Oregon make our communities healthier and safer and in turn prevent violence and abuse. Video List Includes, Prevention and: Sexuality Education; Cultural Connection; Libraries; Play; Menstrual Dignity Efforts; LGBTQ2SIA+ Inclusion; Connections to Farmers and Fresh Food; Reproductive Healthcare Access; Paid Leave Supports; Outdoor Childcare; HIV Prevention; Substance Use Risk Reduction; Environmental Conservation; Supporting First Time Families; Suicide Prevention; and more. We are adding to this series regularly, so check back frequently to explore new prevention connections. Universal Campus Children + Family Services Sexual + Domestic Violence
SATF’s Exploring Prevention Audio Library (EPAL) - A set of short audio recordings exploring creative and effective prevention approaches. Recording Series 2 particularly focuses on learning from creative prevention approaches across Oregon. Each episode spotlights a different local prevention effort in Oregon by hearing directly from the folks doing the work! Universal Campus Children + Family Services Sexual + Domestic Violence
SATF’s Bridging the Gaps Resource Packet: Abuse and Violence Prevention Across the Lifespan in Oregon - offers an overview of the connections between preventing multiple forms of violence and abuse across the lifespan, including tangible examples of Oregon partners, strategies, and context. Universal Children + Family Services Sexual + Domestic Violence
SATF’s Abuse Prevention 101 Video Series - This three episode video series offers a brief overview of effective child abuse and neglect prevention principles and models. In this series we explore primary prevention frameworks, including a health promotion approach to prevention, and spend some time talking about addressing the root causes of abuse and neglect. Universal Children + Family Services
The Prevention Toybox from the Indiana Coalition Against Domestic Violence - offers a series of activities/lessons for free that can be utilized to better understand prevention and our role in preventing violence and abuse. Universal Sexual + Domestic Violence
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s Connecting the Dots: An Overview of the Links Among Multiple Forms of Violence Interactive Resource, Published Guide, and Prevention Guide Universal
Addressing Root Causes
SATF’s FREE Online Addressing Root Causes of Violence and Abuse Course - offers an introduction to anti-oppression and includes tangible skill-building and strategies to address oppression as a root cause of violence and abuse personally, interpersonally, institutionally, and structurally. Universal
Examining/Unpacking Oppression and How it is Present in Our Violence and Abuse Prevention/Intervention Work Resource Packet - This packet includes two complementary resources: a case study examining how oppression shows up as a root cause in cases of abuse and an activity to apply this analysis to our own work. Additionally you can find a supplement to this resource created by our Medical Forensic team to apply this content to healthcare settings HERE. Universal Children + Family Services
Digital Gallery Walk on the History of Opression in Oregon - This is an online version of the 'History of Opression’ in Oregon that was utilized in the root causes section of Prevention Training. It includes additional links and spotlights. Universal
Health Promotion
SATF’s Healthy Sexuality Education is Necessary to Prevent Violence and Abuse in/and Outside of our K-12 Schools - Two-pager highlighting research, news, resources, and more to highlight the connections between health promotion and violence/abuse prevention. Universal Children and Family Services Sexual and Domestic Violence K-12
SATF’s Sexual Health Work Group page on our website includes a lot of great frameworks and resources to support meaningful alignment of these efforts, including, but not limited to: SATF’s Curricula Review Summary Using the Oregon Healthy Relationship Curriculum Assessment Tool (OHRCAT) provides an analysis of varying healthy relationships, abuse prevention, violence prevention, and sexual health. K-12
Oregon Health Education Standards and Performance Indicators Informational Sheets by Topic and Grade Level - This series of one pagers provides a snapshot of OR’s health education standards by topic and age appropriateness covering the topics: Health Equity, Consent, Gender, Healthy Relationships, Media and Technology, Safety, Sex and Reproduction. You can also check out the complete list of standards on the Oregon Department of Education’s (ODE) website, as well as these other useful resources. K-12
Promoting Healthy Sexuality as Sexual Violence Prevention: Prevention & Education Subcommittee Position Paper
This position paper explores key overlap between violence prevention and healthy sexuality promotion with emphasis on norms change, education and gender equity. Universal Sexual and Domestic ViolenceTalking Points: A Guiding Document for Media Response and Community Conversations Created by the Prevention & Education Subcommittee of the Attorney General’s Sexual Assault Task Force. These talking points help people talk about prevention with policy makers, media, community partners and beyond. Additionally we also offer a quick Q&A chart: Talking Points: Questions You May Get & Possible Answers, and a supplemental talking points series: Addition 1 - Substance Use and Sexual Violence Talking Points. Universal Sexual and Domestic Violence
Oregon Youth Sexual Health Plan and 2023 Final Report briefs Created by the Oregon Health Authority and guiding efforts to improve sexual health for youth, individuals, couples, and families across Oregon. This link also includes access to the Rational Enquirer and more resources. K-12 Sexual and Domestic Violence
SATF Webinars
Teaching Good Sex: A Method for Violence Prevention on College and University Campuses - In this webinar recording, we look at how we can create and enhance a community of healthy sexuality individually, in relationships, on our campuses, and in our communities at large. Campus Universal
How to Talk about Sex with Survivors (Episode 1 and Episode 2) - Webinar recording from SATF’s 2021 Sexual Assault Response Summit. Universal
Sustainable Prevention
SATF’s Sustainability Plan for Violence Preventionists: This tool was designed to help preventionists to examine and adopt a sustainability plan that encourages community care and centers the individual needs of each preventionist. This tool has been used and adopted by preventionists in all sectors! You can also find a Campus-Specific version HERE. Universal
SATF Webinars
Research demonstrates that those involved in helping professions (including campus-based advocacy, Title IX response, and prevention) are at increased risk for secondary trauma. Watch the recordings of this three-part webinar series to learn more about the warning signs, root causes and potential remedies to vicarious trauma, compassion fatigue and burnout.
Episode 1: The Cost of Caring: Unpacking Vicarious Trauma, Compassion Fatigue, and Burnout in the College Context Campus
Episode 2: “Prevention Gets Personal: Compassion Fatigue and Vicarious Trauma in Prevention Work” Campus Universal
Episode 3: “Sustainability & Support: The Institution’s Role in Supporting Healthy Campus Communities” Campus
Community and Participant Leadership
Communities of Prevention: Collaboration Toolkit - a dynamic resource to tangibly support the implementation, facilitation, and sustainability of community-based collaboration working to promote healthier and safer communities for all people. You can download a PDF version of the toolkit HERE. Universal
Finding Your Role in Responding to and Preventing Violence and Abuse - Knowing that we all play a role in preventing violence, it is important to identify what those roles are and can be, and how they may change over time. Here are some ideas for what each person, community, institution, and organization can do to address violence.
Universal Sexual and Domestic Violence
Finding Your Role Workbook - This resource from SATF’s Men’s Engagement Committee (MEC) includes a series of tools to help people explore how we can each work to end violence and abuse in our communities and society. Please use these tools personally, in your work, and facilitate them in your communities to help promote healthier and safer communities for all people. Explore the included facilitation strategies, and reach out to MEC for support! Universal Other
SATF Webinars
Finding Your Role: SANEs & Violence Prevention - Webinar recording from SATF’s 2021 Sexual Assault Response Summit. Other
Response and Prevention in Partnership
SATF’s Prevention Land Video - A short video exploring comprehensive prevention and the roles we each can play in ending violence and abuse. Universal
SATF’s “Continuum Model” for Prevention + Response - offers a re-frame for examining the integral ways that prevention and response efforts effectively collaborate. Universal
SATF’s Campus Audit for Prevention, Advocacy & Intervention V2.0 - offers a tool for colleges and universities to examine intersections of prevention, advocacy and intervention efforts, resources, and partnerships, with a focus on reducing addressing burnout, compassion fatigue, and vicarious trauma. Campus
Mandatory Reporting + Confidential Advocacy Partnership Guide - This resource packet compiles best practice approaches, guidelines, laws, and history around collaboratively supporting youth in Oregon who have experienced violence or abuse. It has been compiled to support youth serving institutions (like schools) to partner with confidential resources to improve outcomes for young people. Universal
Confidential Youth Advocacy Reference Guide - This resource is meant to provide an overview of confidential youth advocacy, including emerging and best practices. It is meant to supplement existing advocacy knowledge, training, and resources (like Oregon SATF's Statewide Sexual Assault Advocate Training Manual) to provide more depth on advocacy services with people under the age of 18 specifically. If you are not an advocate or have not received any advocacy training, we recommend you start with basic advocacy resources to help contextualize this resource. Universal
Campus Based Advocate Guide - this resource provides best practices, tools, and basic information to support people providing confidential advocacy services on college and university campuses. Coming to the Oregon SATF Webpage 2024. Campus
Prevention Facilitation Strategies
SATF’s Exploring Prevention Audio Library (EPAL) - A set of short audio recordings exploring creative and effective prevention approaches. Recording Series 1 starts off the whole EPAL by addressing common prevention challenges related to facilitation and collaboration. The content of this series is in direct response to challenges identified in these comprehensive prevention trainings. Universal
Bloom’s Taxonomy Handout - This resource offers a variety of strategies and activities to help folks tailor their activities to different learning levels as well as evaluate the impacts of these activities at the different learning levels. Universal K-12
Accessibility Resources - Here are a couple of resources we at SATF have found helpful in our discussion of incorporating access into our programming and literature.
First, University of Washington has a fantastic site and a number of robust “checklists” Here is the UW link: https://www.washington.edu/accessibility/
Additionally, this media article provides a number of concrete examples and options for facilitating a training with access concerns nearby. The article is called “Inclusive Design for Accessible Presentations” and can be found here: https://www.smashingmagazine.com/2018/11/inclusive-design-accessible-presentations/ Universal
Action Planning for Prevention
SATF’s Comprehensive Prevention Toolkit (Action Planning Pages) Additionally, you can find a similar strategic planning walk through which is more focused on a particular activity in SATF’s other Prevention Toolkits: Campus Climate Survey Toolkit AND Communities of Prevention: Collaboration Toolkit Universal
SATF Webinar: “Aligning Prevention, Response, and Title IX Programs on Campus: Best Practices” - This webinar recording covers groundings behind prevention, advocacy, and Title IX/response work; tools to address common challenges; strategies and resources to strengthen coordination and support; and introduces SATF’s Agency Audit tool, which campuses can utilize to self-audit the strengths and opportunities for growth in their prevention, advocacy, and response programs. Campus
Prevention Evaluation Toolkit from SATF and OHA - a resource that complements the evaluation section of SATF’s Comprehensive Prevention Toolkit and offers templates/models for different evaluation strategies. Universal
SATF’s Exploring Prevention Audio Library (EPAL) - A set of short audio recordings exploring creative and effective prevention approaches. Recording Series 3 takes a deeper look at simplifying (or uncomplicating) evaluation of prevention. Universal
SATF’s Campus Climate Survey Toolkit - a “how to” guide for campus practitioners and community partners to implement campus climate surveys as a powerful tool to help inform prevention strategies that create healthy & safe campus communities, free of violence. Campus
Valor US Prevent Connect Video on Youtube: Patrick Lemmon shares an prevention program evaluation strategy - Consultant Patrick Lemmon shares an evaluation strategy for sexual violence prevention programs. This was recorded at CALCASA's Measuring Prevention Training on March 24, 2011 in Burbank, Calif. Universal