Sexual Assault Nurse Examiner / Sexual Assault Examiner 40-hour Training
Upcoming training opportunities
Interested in becoming a Sexual Assault Nurse Examiner/Sexual Assault Examiner in your community? Register today!
Training format
This is a HYBRID training, meaning that you will need to complete an online portion (twelve online modules + videos) as well as an in-person class. The modules will be made available to you by September 15th and are expected to take a total of approximately 10-15 hours to complete but will vary by individual.
In order to register for the in-person training, you must commit to completing all twelve online modules PRIOR to the first day of this class.
After training
By successfully completing both the online portion and the in-person class, you will have fulfilled state and national requirements for a 40-hour didactic Adult-Adolescent SANE course.
Following this course, you will be expected to seek out clinical training on your own to develop proficiency in speculum exams and medical-forensic sexual-assault exams.
Our staff are available to support you in making connections and seeking out opportunities!
March 6-8th
Linfield University
McMinnville, OR
Time: 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. (Includes an hour lunch break each day on your own).
Registration fee: $325
Registration closes: Registration opening soon!
Who: Open to Oregon-based medical professionals with at least two years experience in one of the following licensures: RN, PA, NP, MD, ND, DO.
Please email our SATF Team with any questions at