Our Team
Campus Prevention Coordinator
Carli joined the SATF team in 2017 after serving for many years on the Task Force Advisory Committees…what a dream! Her work history has focused on the prevention of sexual violence, Title IX and legislative policy work, and providing direct advocacy services to student survivors.
Carli is passionate about keeping student voices (and prevention!) at the center of anti-violence work on campuses in Oregon. Carli has worked to coordinate and implement sexual violence prevention initiatives at public institutions of higher education as well as small, private liberal-arts institutions in Oregon since 2005.
During her time on campus, Carli was a member of her universities’ Title IX coordinating teams, implemented comprehensive prevention and evaluation strategies related to sexual violence prevention, served survivors as a privileged, direct-service advocate, served as a hearing administrator, appeals administrator and process advisor (including respondent advisor) in administrative hearing processes, served on the board of directors for Women + Gender centers, chaired Safe Zone programs, advocated for successful passage of bills related to campus-based violence prevention and response at the Oregon legislature, and served as an active advisor for confidential student advocates, LGBTQIA+ organizations, fraternities, and peer health educators.
Carli was the co-chair of the Oregon Attorney General’s SATF Campus subcommittee, and a member of SATF’s Campus Sexual Violence Prevention Workgroup (CSVPW) prior to joining the SATF staff. As a member of CSVPW, Carli and the group represented Oregon at the first Campus Sexual Assault Prevention Action Planning Meeting for the Centers for Disease Control & Prevention. As a continuation of the action plan developed at the CDC, Carli co-authored the SATF’s Campus Climate Survey Toolkit, designed to assist Oregon colleges and universities to elevate their survey efforts to put primary prevention as the focus of their campus initiatives.
In addition to her work, Carli loves spending time with family (including her dogs), binging on the latest podcast, roaming local bookstores, and cooking.
Pronouns: She/Her
Specialty Areas: Comprehensive Prevention Strategies; Legislative + Public Policy (including Title IX, Clery, and Oregon law) ; Student Conduct; Bystander Intervention; Peer-Led Education models, Alcohol + Other Drugs as they relate to sexual violence, Outreach and Marketing, and Leadership Models/Student engagement strategies.
Staff liaison to: Campus Committee, Legislative + Public Policy Committee, Oregon Alliance to End Gender-based Violence steering committee (legislative advocacy), Higher Education Coordinating Commission’s Sexual Misconduct Survey Council