Our Team

Eli (he/him)

Abuse Prevention Coordinator

Eli joined the SATF team in 2022. He is driven by the opportunity and practice of preventing forms of abuse, violence, and harm through strategies that include addressing the root causes (Oppression in all its forms), health promotion, community and youth leadership, and social norms change.

In the past nine years, he has worked and learned in mostly rural Oregon, and been a part of prevention programming at a DV/SA Agency, Child Advocacy Center, High School, and youth serving organizations among other experiences.

He facilitates the Bridge Project, which seeks to further connect abuse and violence prevention efforts across the lifespan in Oregon through collaboration, coordination, and cross-sector support and is the staff liaison for the Offender Management Committee.

Eli is grateful to work with and learn from the many preventionists and communities in Oregon, and is always up to be a thought partner, listen, collaborate, and support prevention work around the state! Some of his joys include spending time with the people and pets in his life, being outside, and feeding the squirrels where he lives.

Pronouns: He/Him

Specialty Areas: Lifespan abuse prevention, integrating/highlighting prevention strategies into existing programming, K-12 prevention practices.

Staff liaison to: Offense Management Committee, Bridge Project