Prevention + Education Committee

Committee Purpose + Goal

The purpose of the Prevention and Education Subcommittee is to define and promote violence and abuse prevention by engaging in activities to increase awareness of sexual violence and prevention strategies, and to provide support, guidance and training relating to sexual violence prevention and education.

In order to prevent sexual violence before it occurs, efforts must focus on the root causes of sexual violence. To that end, we believe that addressing the intersection of oppression with sexual violence is an essential part of prevention work.

The Prevention and Education Subcommittee serves as the statewide sexual violence prevention planning committee. In this function, we exist to implement, update, and refine the statewide sexual violence prevention plan, Recommendations to Prevent Sexual Violence in Oregon: A Plan of Action (2006).

Current Committee Co-chairs: Shannon Rose (Oregon Health Authority), Nicole Cunningham (Prevent Child Abuse Oregon)

Staff liaison: Meg Foster, SATF Prevention Coordinator | Email:

Featured Resource

Featured Resource

“Shared Core Prevention Values of Child Abuse and Domestic/Sexual Violence Prevention ”

We all play a role in preventing violence and abuse – we can all have an impact. This resource highlights eight core values across all forms of violence and abuse prevention - from child abuse and neglect prevention to sexual violence prevention to suicide prevention. These eight core values can help guide all of our work and better support effective comprehensive prevention in our communities. Learn more about each of these core values in the following pages.